My Story

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Hi there, as I have mentioned, fashion is and always will be a passion I love. The evolving of different phases fashion goes through just amazes me, and also revolves back again.

I’m from a small country below Australia called New Zealand. Beautiful place to live! I have two lovely children and 6 grandchildren. I feel blessed anytime I get with any of them. All are adults now, even my grandchildren are growing fast!

My other passions are gardening, crafts, light music, working on my websites, my Store and a few other things. I am always learning new things from my children. I have 1 son, and 1 daughter and both amaze me with their unique abilities as they conquer their path in life.

Having my Store is a big passion of mine, and I striving to offer top-quality products from reputable retailers.

I also love anything eco-friendly and will be focusing on delivering clothing made eco-friendly wise.

Do feel free to leave a comment below or if you want to query anything.

Thank you kindly and enjoy the Store.


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